The Source Protection Committee was originally formed in 2007. This Notice of Decision, below, was posted as per the requirements of Ontario Regulation 288/07 to explain the formation of a Source Protection Committee for the Quinte Region Source Protection Area.

  • On February 21, 2019 the Quinte Source Protection Authority appointed 7 voting members to the Quinte Source Protection Committee for a term of 5 years.
  • On April 18, 2019 the Quinte Source Protection Authority appointed 4 voting members to the Quinte Source Protection Committee for a term of 5 years.
  • On June 20, 2019 the Quinte Source Protection Authority appointed 4 voting members to the Quinte Source Protection Committee for a term of 5 years.

Summary of Functions of the Quinte Source Protection Committee
As outlined in the Clean Water Act, 2006, the Quinte Source Protection Committee was created according to Ontario Regulation 288/07. The Quinte Source Protection Committee oversees the science-based planning process and developed a Terms of Reference, an Assessment Reports and a Source Protection Plan to protect municipal sources of drinking water in the Quinte Source Protection Area.

The Committee, by regulation, consists of 15 members from various sectors, plus the Chairman, and two representatives from First Nations. Non-voting liaison members including a representative of the Source Protection Authority, the local Health Unit, and the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks may also serve on the Committee.

At a meeting on September 11, 2007 the Quinte Source Protection Authority approved the following committee structure subject to receiving qualified applicants:

Finalized Committee Composition:

Municipal Sector Economic SectorOther Interests Sector

 Municipal (5)

 Agriculture (2)

 Environmental (1)


 Large industry/business (1)

 Public - urban (1)


 Small industry/business(1)

 Public rural non-farm (1)


 Tourism/Recreation (1)

 General Public (2)

Reasons for the Decision

The regulation states that the “Municipal Sector” will have 1/3 of the seats on the Source Protection Committee.  Local municipalities will jointly appoint five representatives according to the groupings of municipalities as decided by the Quinte Source Protection Authority.

Economic Sector

The agriculture sector has two seats on the committee. Agriculture has been identified as a major land use (28%) in the Quinte Source Protection Area. The Quinte Region Conceptual Water Budget identifies agriculture as accounting for 11% of groundwater use as well as some surface water use. The agricultural community has also expressed a great deal of interest in source water protection planning and has a significant experience in implementing good land stewardship practices.

There are two seats for industry and business; one for large industry/business and one for small industry/business. According to the Quinte Region Conceptual Water Budget, permitted use of water for industry, including pits and quarries, is the most significant water use in our region. Many local industries and businesses depend on a good supply of water for their success. There is potential for spills and contamination of drinking water supplies from different types of industrial and commercial operations. Transportation of goods by road, rail and water also creates a potential for spills and contamination.

The fifth seat in the Economic Sector is reserved for a representative from tourism and recreation. Forest and wetlands (54%), public lands (10%) and water (3%) together make up 67% of the land cover in our region making it an ideal and very popular area for recreation and tourism.  There are a wide variety and size of tourism and recreation operations in our region that are important to our local economy. Many rely on and use water for their businesses, such as marinas, fishing guides, outfitters, boat rentals, and tour boat operators. Other operations such as golf courses, campgrounds and trailer parks are actual consumers of water.

Other Interests Sector

Local environmental associations have one seat on the committee. In the Quinte Source Protection Area, environmental non-government organizations (ENGOs) include creek associations, lake associations, the Hastings Prince Edward Land Trust, field naturalist groups, ‘friends of' groups and others.  Many of these groups are very active in our local community and have members with considerable expertise and knowledge.

There is one public urban representative and one member representing the interests of the rural non-farm public on the committee. Approximately 50 per cent of the Quinte Source Protection Area population resides in the urban areas and 50 percent in rural areas. A substantial portion of the local population is rural non-farm.

There are two seats that are reserved for members of the general public with special expertise to offer the committee. A person appointed to this seat on the committee may be a university of college professor, an individual with some professional qualification such as an engineer, nurse or doctor or someone with significant experience or knowledge that will be an asset to the committee.

More information is available by contacting:

Quinte Source Protection Authority
C/O Amy Dickens, Project Manager, Source Water Protection
Quinte Conservation
2061 Old Highway 2 R.R. #2, Belleville, ON  K8N 4Z2

Phone: 613-968-3434 or 613-354-3312
email:  adickens@quinteconservation.ca