Watershed Characterization Report (Completed)
This document is an overview on all aspects of our local watersheds. It includes descriptions and maps of the natural characteristics (bedrock and surface geology, forest, wetlands, etc.) and the human characteristics (urban areas, land use, population growth, etc.) of the Quinte watershed. The report also includes information about water quality and quantity, vulnerable areas, and identification of potential issues and concerns.

Water Budget (Completed)
This document looks at the amount of water coming into our region and the amount going out. Like a financial budget, knowing what is coming in versus how much is going out is essential for future planning. The water budget helps us understand how much water is available in ground and on the surface, how it moves through the watershed and how it is used by watershed residents.

Vulnerable Areas Studies (2006 - 2009, Completed)
Vulnerable areas are areas where the impacts of human activities on the land are more likely to cause impacts on available sources of drinking water, in terms of both water quantity and water quality. These studies determined the extent of each of these vulnerable areas, calculated their vulnerability and considered threats and issues to the water source that may exist now and in the future.

Risk Assessment (2007 - 2009, Completed)
Risks to water quality and quantity for each vulnerable area were assessed. Risks may be significant, moderate, low or negligible.

Develop Terms of Reference (2008, Completed)
The Source Protection Committee developed a Terms of Reference to guide the work to be done. The Terms of Reference includes a work plan and budget to outline the work of the committee, staff team, municipalities and consultants to produce the Source Protection Plan. This Terms of Reference was completed in 2008 as required by regulation under the Clean Water Act.

Compile an Assessment Report (2009 - 2011, Completed)
The Assessment Report is a technical report that includes information on vulnerable areas, identifies and evaluates potential threats to the drinking water quality, incorporates all of the technical findings and creates the scientific foundation for the source protection planning process. The Source Protection Committee consulted with municipalities and the community about the Assessment Report. The first Assessment Report was submitted by the Source Protection Authority (Quinte Conservation) to the province and approved in 2011. The Assessment Report was subsequently updated and approved in 2014 and again in 2019.

Prepare a Source Protection Plan (2010 - 2012, Completed)
Following consultation with local municipalities, working groups and policy implementers, a Draft Source Protection Plan was developed by the Source Protection Committee. There was public consultation on the Draft Plan in spring 2012. The Proposed Source Protection Plan was submitted by the Source Protection Authority (Quinte Conservation) to the province for review and approval in August, 2012. The Quinte Region Source Protection Plan was approved in July 2014 and came into effect January 1, 2015. The Plan was subsequently updated and approved in 2019, to include updated vulnerable area information on a number of drinking water sources in the Quinte Region.

Implementation, Monitoring and Updating (2015 and beyond)
The approved Source Protection Plan will be implemented by municipalities, local agencies, stakeholder organizations, businesses and individuals. Quinte Conservation will monitor watershed conditions and provide annual progress reports to the provincial government. The Source Protection Plan will be updated periodically.