By law, a business must have an environmental approval or registration from the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change if it:

  • Releases pollutants into the air, land or water
  • Stores, transports or disposes of waste

An environmental approval or registration sets out rules of operation for these activities that are intended to protect the natural environment and are legally enforceable. The form can be accessed at

The following can be used to guide you in your completion of Section 4.5 – Source Protection / Drinking Water Threats of the Environmental Compliance Approval Application:

Part 1)ECA Application Section 4.5 Part 1

To determine if your proposed activity is in the Quinte Source Protection Area, consult the regional map

If your proposed activity is outside the Quinte Source Protection Area, use the Province’s Information Atlas, to determine which area(s) the proposed activity will be located.

Each source protection area has a ministry-approved assessment report detailing vulnerable areas where certain land-use activities can contaminate sources of drinking water. The assessment report and source protection plan both contain maps showing the location of all vulnerable areas. 

Part 2)

ECA Application Section 4.5 Part 2

To determine if the proposed activity falls within a vulnerable area, use our policy information mapping tool (coming soon).

Part 3)

ECA Application Section 4.5 Part 3

To determine if the proposed activity is a significant drinking water threat, use the report function on the policy information mapping tool (coming soon) and/or the Provincial Tables of Circumstances

For additional information please email Amy Dickens, our Source Water Protection Coordinator.