Drinking Water in the Village of Tweed

Drinking water systems map for Tweed

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The Municipality of Tweed provides a supply of potable drinking water to 1,800 people in the Village of Tweed.

What is the water source?
Groundwater is the source of drinking water for the Village of Tweed. Water supply is provided by two wells and sewage is collected and treated in a municipal sewage treatment facility. The two wells are on the western edge of the community. The first well, is off the Hungerford Road however the water contains elevated levels of uranium and so the well is used for backup purposes only. Prior to use the water is treated to reduce uranium levels. The other well is about 700 m to the south of Well # 1 along the Crookston Road. This well is classified as Groundwater Under the Direct Influence (GUDI) of surface water. This classification is related to the shallow depth of the aquifer as opposed to the presence of nearby surface water features.

How is the water treated?
Click here for the more on water in Village of Tweed.

How is the drinking water source protected?
Ontario's Clean Water Act was created specifically to protect drinking water at the source rather than simply relying on water treatment alone to deliver safe, clean water. Because of scientific work completed under the Clean Water Act, Village of Tweed now has a mapped Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) that is protected through policies in the Quinte Region Source Protection Plan.

Additional Resources

What is a Wellhead Protection Area?

Interactive Policy Information Map

Downloadable Map

System Summary Fact Sheet